The colourful beetles had body bits (legs etc) to be added after throwing a certain number on the dice provided. I shut my mouth and listened to the young lady looking after Merv prattle on about the colourful game they had bought.
I left those cute beetles on the table after she left and I busied myself making afternoon tea and a much needed caffeine fix for myself.
I thought a bit more about those cute little beetles. If we had grandchildren, playing with kiddie beetles would be acceptable, actually it would be expected. We don't have grandchildren but does that make it wrong or alright to play with kiddie beetles?
Merv can no longer play the more complex games which we used to enjoy. I understand the support workers get bored playing Merv's favourite games of dominoes and UNO at each and every visit.
Where do we draw the line to age appropriate games and activities?
Merv sometimes uses a clothing protector, an appropriate name for an adult. In basic language it's an adult size bib. Using the word, 'bib' for an adult is deemed inappropriate the same as calling adult incontinence pants, 'nappies.' Yes, I hate that as well, I couldn't call them nappies.
When I take Merv out anywhere there is his wheelchair, the bags, usually more than one and it reminds me of the times we took babies and later toddlers out. There was a fold up pram and bags and more bags. The pram is now a wheelchair but the rest is pretty much the same.
The question remains whether to allow the kiddie games or should we re-name the kiddie games with more adult appropriate names?
Beetles and bits |