Friday, 27 October 2017

Poison or Amputate?

A question not to be taken lightly.  Should I use a bottle of poison or should I use my quick acting power saw for a messy amputation? It wasn't something I spent time thinking about, the answer was clear from the start.
My memory clouded with images of me digging, sawing, prizing and eventually that damn tree stump lost its battle!  It was just a few weeks ago and those images pop up mercilessly.  It took over four hours over two days to finally wrench it from its hold.  I power sawed the endless roots which jutted from its colossal stump (well not really so big).  There is always one hidden anchor root.  I twisted the stump, I turned it, I swore at it and finally I put it in a headlock and severed it lose.
Triumph at last.
Then I remembered its opposing cousin hiding in my vegetable garden.  The sawn stump remains hidden under the compost and soil but on further evaluation it's sprouting new growth.  I began the haphazard task of digging around the stump only to give in and swear to a humane poisoning!  So it will be.  Another trip to the hardware stop for Blackberry poison.
It's been a busy month in the back garden.  Firstly digging up all the grass and reticulation followed by my friendly landscaper completing his work at hand.   From six quotes I felt he was the only one who understood my plan for a walk path for Merv to use in his wheelchair.
Merv loves his new place to spend time either enjoying afternoon tea or having a stroll along his own 'catwalk.'
Dustin and Grace visited last weekend digging and planting the array of native and flowering shrubs and plants I had chosen from a local nursery.  I hummed and ha-ha-ed where they should go and the final colour combinations.  Yes I read about that in a well intended garden book.  I had nightmares for a week.
Yesterday I bought a 30m retractable hose to water the garden in case the reticulation proved difficult and I need to put it off for a year or two.  Now I need someone to mount the hose reel to the wall.  The list is endless.
My garden plan is like a jig saw slowly coming together.  Next week we will have a Ocean Blue Shade Sail floating above our outdoor dining area and hopefully we can acquire an outdoor dining setting as well!  My much 'loved' pink and purple pergola will be repainted Classic Cream
Then there is the mulch, the stepping stones (many of which are needed) and God knows what else.  A garden is never completed, it is just a work in progress.
I like the idea of it never being completed, just a labour of love.  I can run with that.  While some gardens maybe a masterpiece mine might just be a 'paint by numbers' version but I will love it just the same because its mine.

Monday, 9 October 2017

Sleepless Nights

After digging in the garden most of the today I decided we would watch a 'nice movie' on Netflix.  Merv delights in his action packed movies but they're not for me.
"Oh, this looks good."  I remarked as I clicked on, 'Our Souls at Night'.  Starring the fabulous Jane Fonda who looks good at any age and Robert Redford who continues to have the cute boy look even his rather weathered features!
I was taken aback when Addie (Jane) knocks on Louis' (Robert) door and makes him an unusual  proposal.  She merely says she is lonely and presumes he is also.  Both their partners have died.  She proposes they sleep together for company not sex.  She says it is difficult to sleep by herself.
The story progresses with them giving it a try and continues with a healthy relationship growing between them.
I suddenly remembered a good friend of mine stating many times she is often awake most of the night.  She lives alone.  My thoughts then centred on the times I am alone in my own house.  I have security and my phone lies next to my bed but I find it difficult to sleep in an empty house.  Logic doesn't come into it.  If an intruder entered our house at night what could Merv do to protect himself or me?  Absolutely nothing.  What would Mel do? Maybe send me a text message?  She often texts me in the morning to see if I'm awake.  I sleep alone in my room I just know the presence of my loved ones in the same settles me into sleep.
So if my housemates are no good with a baseball bat, why does their presence give me a sense of security?  I gave this much thought.  Is it the presence of trusted loved ones?  Is it a spiritual sense?  I don't know.
Then a rather weird thought.  Maybe all the sleepless singles could pair up and have sleep overs ensuring a good night's sleep?  It's worth a thought!

Image result for photo friends sleeping together