Tuesday, 24 April 2018

The Book

Life is full of ups and downs.  Yes, when I stood precariously upon my scales UP is what they told me!  My weight loss of almost 20kgs six years ago was no longer anything to brag about.  I thought about the last year.  Selling my house, moving house, Merv's  continuing health decline.  Hmm wine, cheese (oh how I love soft blue cheese and rounds of camembert with crackers olives and more wine!) Oh and chocolate; chocolate with soft centres as well as creamy chocolate with nuts or fruit, better still both.  All of this food really loved me also because it had no intention of leaving my waistline!
I had walked to the beach and back, about 30 minutes return.  I had walked along the estuary and even been to the gym a few times but the extra kilos weren't budging.
In 2012 I spent a year drinking health shakes, trying the protein diet and doing weight watcher points.  It was difficult.  I hated the shakes and settled for the bars at lunch time.  Merv and I had returned from our around New Zealand cruise in January that year.  Cruises are full of picture postcard moments and a great deal more food than anyone ever needs.  Cocktails every night, three course, or was that four course dinners?  I remember being offered double desserts. Instead of saying, "No thank you I'm already full."  It was more like, "Bring it on, it is so wonderful..."
Needless to say I was in need of help not more food.
Six years later I'm revisiting all of this (minus the cruise).  I've lost a few kilos, I've added a few more since Christmas.  Time for radical stuff.
The thought of those insidious shakes or a return to the protein diet was enough to look elsewhere.  I had visited Merv before his Foxtel connection and began listening to some woman carrying on about her weight loss.  Oh God not another diet story!  I was interrupted by my phone ringing but wrote down the title of the book this woman carried on about.  That evening with nothing much planned I googled the title of the book and read the reviews.  It intrigued me with its simplicity and reviews.
What is this book?  The Little Book of Big Weight Loss by Bernadette Fisers.  I downloaded it on iBooks.  I figured it's better to lose $8 rather than $20 if I buy the printed copy.  Who knew whether I would actually attempt it just by hearing about it on a TV gossip show?  Anyway my sister, my daughter and I are on day 2 and heading for day 3.  It's a simple and achievable plan but like all things you have to put the work in.  Giving up processed foods and sugar, it doesn't sound easy but it appears it's not so hard.  Tomorrow we're having an ANZAC home baked cookie, it has sugar in it but it's a day of remembrance for Australians and New Zealanders.  Bernadette suggests dark chocolate and fruit each day.  All sounds good to me.  Hopefully I'll have better news to report later!

Image result for picture Little book of big weight loss

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Making Noise, Being Heard

I bought Merv tickets for the matinee session of the Jersey Boys at our local Performing Arts Centre. I had bought them months ago to ensure we had the best seats.  Wheelchair access that is!  I logged into my brain and repeated the date, I clipped the envelope containing the treasured tickets to my dressing table mirror.  I dare not forget and I didn't.
With Merv in permanent care I arrived on the day to find him in his pyjama top!  I laughed with the day staff (muttering under my breath they couldn't tell he was wearing his pyjama top) while I redressed him in an appropriate dark green polo shirt.  So much better.
We headed for the cafe on the foreshore and ordered a big bowl of hot chips for him.  Mel and I shared a basket of pulled pork sliders.  Oh so yummy!  As I paid the bill in cash I noted I received $10 less than what I should.  The staff member printed out the receipt (muttering under her breath I was taking up her time).  She pointed to the total which was $10 more than I ordered than she looked at the items listed, snatched the $10 out of my hand and replaced it with a $20 note.  No explanation provided.  I know that's happened before.  The error being my order was added to the previous order. Thankfully I was checking my change and not paying by card.
We enjoyed our lunch on the boardwalk enjoying the slight cool breeze and watching the pelicans drift past.
Mel went home and I pushed Merv in his chair to the Performing Arts Centre.  It was packed mostly with grey haired seniors.  There were lots of wheelchairs and as the line to enter the auditorium grew we were asked to stand aside.  I understood they needed to get people in chairs first.  The cordial usher looked at my tickets and said they would find me a seat elsewhere.  No time to mutter, I pointed to the seat numbers and said, "These are our tickets and we expect to sit here, my husband cannot sit unattended!"
The usher disappeared, maybe I then began muttering.  The bell was sounding for all to enter and we were still waiting.  The usher's superior noted the urgency (the bell was still sounding) and had all the other wheelchair repositioned to allow Merv's chair to be next to my permanent seat.  I know that put a few people out but surely they knew they might be higgety piggety all over the place with their loved one placed elsewhere.  The man sitting next to be spent most of his time leaning over me to check his Mum on the end of the line of wheelchairs.
Merv thoroughly enjoyed the group.  He sang along to their well known songs; Oh What a Night, Bye Bye Baby, Sherry, Big Girls Don't Cry and Walk Like a Man.
A good time was had by all.