Friday, 25 May 2018

Bag It

Was I bored when I signed up for the local council business course?  I filled in the online application and hit 'send.'  It was done.  I received a call telling me I had been accepted.  I was ecstatic! Finally I was doing something worthwhile.
I had a moment of inspiration.  Our supermarkets/food stores are banned from providing single use plastic bags from next month.  Why don't I supply reusable eco bags.  The market is there. '
Cheap bags for many,  expensive bags for others and even a gift bag range.  The ideas were running in my head like a raging torrent!
Part of my business inspiration comes from my previous business in 200.  I had my own small shopping service where I shopped and delivered for individuals and businesses.  It was long before Facebook, Instagram and paid Google.  I had my shopping service listed on the search engines completely FREE!
Advance to 2018 and I'm ready for this.
Week one in a new course is always getting to know each other and the structure of the course.
Yes that was fine.  Week two was ok, I even did a little homework and came to the realisation I wouldn't need a business card.  Social media has taken over.  Other class members handed out their carefully constructed business cards, a shame not to take one or two, ok maybe everyone who handed them out.
Week three was a bit of a turning point.  Our homework consisted of getting our message out on social media.  I can do that I thought and put together a business Facebook Page named, 'Bag It'. So easy.  I jotted down a spiel and took a couple of photos of shopping in single use plastic bags and then in reusable bags.  I had thought putting the Facebook page up would be tedious and time consuming.  Then I found out the catch - they asked me to pay for it!
Brilliant, that is if you're actually going to sell something.
With a business coach it helps to 'gel' with them.  I was (and I believe others are also) having issues with her teaching strategies and the lack of viable material. I don't usually  give up on something I begin without good reason.
Today I'm not looking for a good reason to throw in the towel.  I just know my time is needed elsewhere.  Yes, part of me is disappointed, that is the choice I make.
With Merv's Huntington's issues I decided to ditch the business idea and spend the time with him.  No one knows how much time he has left.  I don't want to spend years in the future regretting this  time lost.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

The Misery Club

It was a fine autumn afternoon and I was sporting the beginnings of a head cold.  How many of us waltz into a care facility covering up our health issues and hoping (and praying) not to pass it on to anyone there?
I wanted to be part of the action in the care home's carer support group.  Last month there was a fantastic turn out but today there were just me, the facilitator  and later a rather spindly old bloke with a walking stick.  Yes - this was us.  No offers of a cup of tea or tiny cakes.
The bloke with the stick turned out to be angel.  He professed his love for his wife in care.  She has Alzheimer's disease and each day he visits her even though she no longer knows who he is.  My heart bled.
He went on to say he lives in a retirement village.  Each month the residents get together for their own carer's group.  Their loved ones residing at a range of different care facilities in the area.  He smiled and said they call it the, 'Misery Group,'  as each of them has a gripe or two to share!
I smiled back.   People being people will always find fault, it's our nature.
He smiled again and said though we always gripe about something, it's not life threatening for their loved ones.  I smiled back.  Yes I may not always be happy with Merv's care in his care facility but I know they are doing their best and he's not in danger.
Thank you God for sending an angel.