Thursday, 18 September 2014

It Happened to Me

I was like a noisy mouse scuttling from one room to another.  Shuffling through papers, looking behind the dressing table, checking the same places over and over again.  Where did I put it?

It's not the first time I've been in such turmoil.  I have a four drawer filing cabinet but I still spectacularly lose things of great importance.

The house deeds are in the safe, I am sure of that, along with our passports and even my Singapore pearls (which I forgot to wear to my nephew's wedding).  I have made a mental note to wear them to Dustin's wedding next year, at least I hope!

Last night I was looking for Merv's blood test form.  There are two forms, one in my sweaty agitated hand while the other successfully evaded my hunting instincts.  With every fibre of my being I was going to find that elusive form, there would be no sleep until it lay together on the kitchen table with its other page!

The strange thing is when you are looking for something specific you find other items that you didn't even realise were missing!

During my hunt I found the wedding cupcake and buttercream recipes.  I put them on yet another pile ready for filing, possibly never to be seen again!

I stood, I thought, I retraced my steps, well the thousand steps I have taken since the GP scribbled out the blood test form and like Hercule Poirot I narrowed my search down.  I picked up my jewellery box and spied a plastic A4 envelope hiding underneath.  It looked promising.  Not only was the wayward blood test form folded within, it shared the space with maps of England and other non-related bits and bobs.  I have no idea why. What possessed me?  I will probably never know.

I rejoiced in my victory and sighed as I checked the time.  It was long after my bedtime and a busy day beckoned me tomorrow.

I make a mental note to file (in my four drawer filing cabinet) important papers from now on.  I then pick up a pile of papers and shove them in the bottom of my stationery cupboard.  I sigh and get ready for bed.

I could do with my own filing clerk, possibly a secretary?  Ridiculous, I know, but my mind wanders and thinks about an app to help people like me!  I already have a name for it and a marketing strategy; I just don't know how to create my, 'De-Clutter app.'


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