Thursday 20 November 2014

No Crime Please

As we waited for my X rays to develop we share our family news.  My dentist George is now in his 70's, except for his weathered appearance you wouldn't know.  We chatted about a range of topics and somehow we strayed to house burglaries and local news.
We bemoaned the attack of an elderly man in his own house by a trio of young thugs.  They beat him, ransacked his house and stole a paltry $15.  The elderly gentleman is too scared to return to his house.  We agreed such things happen far too often in our otherwise friendly city.  It was a senseless act of violence and thuggery. We shared our personal burglary stories.  I recounted the much told story of how both my wedding and engagement rings were stolen when we went out for dinner one night many years ago.  Not long after we had a security alarm installed.  Fortunately we have not had a break in since.  George had similar tales to tell.
The X rays developed and George diligently inspects the results.  He tells me my infection is still licking my gums and more penicillin will need to be prescribed.  My tooth is cracked and is in need of repair but today I am saved from the dreaded drill.  I sigh with relief but I know it will be short lived.  I have an appointment for next month!

We discuss other things after losing our line of thought of the victimised old man.  We do not bother to offer solutions for our aimless youth.  We have both heard it all before and know there are answers but we neither have them or know how to implement them. 

We both know many young people who live good lives, work and study hard and are a joy to their families. 
I leave the surgery and George carries on with his work. 
I take Mel to an appointment an hour later and crime once again is discussed.  It just happens, I can't remember what initiated it. I know we should look out for each other and be concerned about the issues before us but is there nothing good or inspiring to talk about?   Too much crime chat in one day.  I am looking for something good to say. I just want to live happily and safely in a caring and supportive community.

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