It is a term of endearment. Missy Mel just stuck. A name I call my daughter when it is just her and me together. It's usually when I trying to get her attention or just to give her a hug.
The last twelve months have been more than trying for her. Her beloved housemate Harriet left for a t year to access therapy and she was replaced by a older woman who berated her verbally and threatened her with violence.
Mel's Grandmother died in May last year followed six weeks later by her boyfriend Damien. He died from lung cancer at the tender age of 35. Mel sat by his bed holding his hand in the weeks before he succumbed to the cancer.
It was a difficult year.
By December last year she had more than she could cope with. Continuously she would ring me in tears, telling stories of her offensive housemate and the lack of support from staff.
Mel cried, I cried. It just became too much. I spoke with the resident manager but nothing was resolved. Mel wanted to move out of the unit to another but permission was denied.
My brain went into lockdown, there was only one answer. She had to leave and come home.
In hindsight it was the very best thing. After a few weeks Mel became a happy, contented person once again. There were a few meltdowns on the way through but all in all it was the very best decision.
I only thought yesterday if she was still at the villas we would be moving her out about this time and going through the rigours of sorting out her stuff. How does a person fill one bedroom and ensuite with so much stuff? At least the sorting and chucking out of her 'treasures' has already happened!
Mel is looking forward to moving with us to our new house closer to the ocean. She has her own bedroom, a bathroom she doesn't have to share with everyone and an entertainment room with two entrances. The sliding door opens into the back garden. There is a lot of work to be done but just like here Mel will do her part and our house will become a home.
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